Evaluating didactic strategies for teaching mathematics: A Policy–Driven approach to gender equity in Panama’s education system
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
This article evaluates the Didactic Strategies for Teaching Mathematics (DSTM) program, designed to enhance the teaching of mathematical content in primary and secondary education in a hybrid modality. In alignment with SENACYT’s Gender-STEM-2040 Policy, which emphasizes gender equality as a foundational principle of education, this study aims to assess whether initial teacher training aligns with this policy through the use of mathematical strategies promoting gender equality. A descriptive-correlational approach was applied to a sample of 64 educators, selected based on their responses during the training, with the goal of improving teaching and data collection methodologies. Findings indicate that, although most teachers actively engage in training, an androcentric approach persists, with sexist language and a curriculum that renders girls invisible, hindering the fulfillment of the National Gender Equality Policy in Science, Technology, and Innovation of Panama (Gender-STEM Policy 2040). Additionally, through a serendipitous finding, a significant gap in student activity levels, especially in secondary school, was discovered. While in primary school, activity levels were similar between genders, a decline in active participation among girls in secondary school was observed. This discovery, not initially contemplated in the study’s objectives, provides valuable insights into gender differences in active participation, particularly in higher educational stages. The serendipity suggests the need for further exploration of social, environmental, and family factors that may influence this decrease in girls’ active participation. The article concludes with a preliminary diagnosis and a call to deepen gender equality training and the effective implementation of coeducation in Panama’s educational system.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd8031
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