Regulatory framework for environmental protection and analysis of the perception of coastal waste management practices in Libreville conurbation, Gabon

Leslie Bertha Mouloungui Kussu, Corine Ada Nzoughé épouse Obounou, Agogno Agbogan, Nagbandjoa Dounwourgue, René Casimir Zoo Eyindanga, Annie Beka Beka, Messan Vimenyo

Article ID: 8010
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


Over the last few decades, demographic growth combined with poorly controlled urbanization has confronted African cities with a variety of environmental protection challenges. As part of a gradual awareness-raising process, African countries have ratified conventions and adopted a series of laws to protect the environment. Since independence (1960), Gabon has adopted legal instruments to provide a better framework for environmental protection. Despite the existence of well-developed legislation, the Libreville conurbation faces difficulties in waste management. This situation contributes to the degradation of the coastal zone. This study aims to analyse stakeholders’ perceptions of environmental protection regulations in solid waste management practices along the coastline of the Libreville metropolitan area in Gabon. The methodology includes documentary research, field observations, and surveys of 300 study area participants. The results show that the degradation of the coastline is due to a lack of awareness and compliance with the laws governing environmental protection and waste management. As a result, waste disposal practices such as dumping in nature, waterways, illegal dumps, and gutters are commonplace among the population. To achieve sustainable coastal zone management, it is essential to apply regulatory texts and involve stakeholders in improving planning and the quality of the coastal environment.


regulations; management; waste; coastline; Libreville; Gabon

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