Improving the learning skills of autistic students using social robotics technologies

Falah Y. H. Ahmed, Khaled Abdalgader, Abdallah M. Abualkishik, Asila Al Risi, Reem Al Maawali

Article ID: 7974
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


Teachers are instrumental in advancing the cognitive and motor skills of children with autism. Despite their importance, the incorporation of both educators and robotic aids in the educational frameworks of specialized schools and centers is infrequent. Extensive research has been conducted to evaluate the impact of robotic assistance on the learning outcomes for children with autism. This study investigates the effects of the Furhat robot on the educational experiences of autistic children in schools, analyzing its utility both with and without the presence of teachers. Interviews with educators were carried out to gauge the effectiveness of implementing Furhat robots in these settings. Data collected from sessions with autistic children were analyzed using ANOVA tests, offering insights into the Furhat Social Robot’s potential as a significant tool for fostering engagement and interaction. The findings highlight the robot’s effectiveness in enhancing social interaction and engagement, thereby contributing to the ongoing discussion on how social robots can improve the developmental progress and well-being of children with autism. Moreover, this paper underlines the innovative aspects of our proposed model and its wider implications. By presenting specific quantitative outcomes, our aim is to extend the reach of our findings to a broader audience. Ultimately, this research delineates significant contributions to the understanding of social robots, such as Furhat, in improving the overall well-being and developmental trajectories of children with autism.


autism skills; social robots; education system; ANOVA test

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