Future policy implementation to balance growth and sustainability: Managing the impact of mass tourism in Bali

Rahmat Salam, Azhari Aziz Samudra, Agus Suradika, I. Made Sumada

Article ID: 7927
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

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This research aims to explore the impact of government policies to promote mass tourism in Bali. Qualitative method with the support of a phenomenological approach and in-depth interviews and FGD. The Butler tourism area life cycle model theory is used to evaluate the impact of tourism on land use and cultural conflict with six stages of destination development, namely exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation, and decline or rejuvenation. The findings reveal that Bali has experienced all stages of Butler’s model. From 1960–1970, Bali was in the exploration phase, offering tourists authentic experiences. At the beginning of 1970–2000, Bali had entered five phases marked by rapid tourism growth. Now, Bali reached a consolidation phase with a focus on managing tourism quality. Now, Bali is entering a phase of stagnation, facing challenges such as overcrowding and environmental degradation. Bali is at the crossroads between phases of decline and rejuvenation, with efforts to overcome environmental problems and diversify tourism products. This study concludes that mass tourism has significant positive and negative impacts on tourist destinations. Although it can improve the local economy and preserve culture, it can also cause environmental damage and cultural conflict. The Bali government’s policy strategy for the future is to overcome cultural conflicts including tourist education, sustainable tourism development, empowerment of local communities, enforcement of regulations, and intercultural dialogue. The implementation of this policy strategy can be carried out effectively to manage cultural conflicts towards a sustainable Bali tourism future.


government policy; mass tourism; tourism life-cycle models; cultural conflict; sustainable tourism development; environmental impacts; social impacts

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.7927


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