Evaluating the process of implementing digital transformation in Vietnamese universities
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
Industry 4.0 is revolutionizing businesses’ operations and relationships with the communities to which they cater. The widespread use of computing and network programs compels firms to digitize their operations and offer novel goods, solutions, and business for practice. Universities appear to be slow to adapt to the changes in the education sector. This study suggests using consolidated digital transformation sources to evaluate the level of ability that universities have achieved in the implementation of digital procedures and to compare it to that of other business sectors across all cities and provinces in Vietnam. The text outlines specific factors that universities should consider when implementing the model. Although the objective with the expectation of education from digital transformation is high, compare it with other industries. And the scores achieved in structural agility and create of benefit for the transformative goals are 3.4, but the score of benefit of technologies is 3.0 lower than. Additionally, the organizational component’s scores were primarily focused on leadership and culture, digital strategy, market digitalization, dynamic and digital capabilities, and strengthened logistics within each industry during the digital transformation. Our findings indicate that universities lag behind other industries, perhaps as a consequence of inadequate leadership and cultural shifts. This is exacerbated by a lack of innovation and inadequate financial assistance.
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