The intersection of history and modernity: A multi-dimensional experience of the Jinsha Site Museum

Wensi Meng, Jasni Dolah

Article ID: 7888
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 10 (Abstract) 3 (PDF)


To better analyze the tourist experience of the Jinsha Site Museum, this study adopts a mixed research method, combined with questionnaire surveys, interviews, and online review data, to comprehensively analyze the tourist experience from three dimensions: cognition, emotion, and behavior. After statistical analysis of 223 questionnaire surveys and analysis of 530 online comments, it was found that tourists’ overall satisfaction with the Jinsha Site Museum reached 95.3%. In the feedback on interactive exhibitions, 63.8% of tourists hoped to add more interactive elements and technological applications. The above results indicate that the Jinsha Site Museum has been widely recognized by tourists in providing historical and cultural exhibitions and modern facility services. However, to meet the needs of more tourists, museums should consider innovating and upgrading in interactive exhibitions, adding technological interactive elements, and improving the usability and responsiveness of equipment.


Jinsha Site Museum in Chengdu; tourist experience; satisfaction; participation level; evaluation

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