Factors of digital transformation of Tunisian companies

Sonia Sayari, Hanan Louati, Syed Khusro Chishty, Abbassi Rabeh

Article ID: 7858
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study aims to elucidate the digital transformation process in Tunisian companies, identify its driving factors, and explain its key success factors. We examine a sample of 70 companies across various economic sectors using a Multinomial Logistic regression to assess the impact of digital strategy, corporate culture, and leadership on digital transformation success. The dependent variable “digital maturity” is categorized into low, medium, and high, with medium serving as the reference category. The results indicate a significant and positive effect of digital strategy on digital transformation success. Leadership influences companies at a low level of digital maturity but does not significantly impact those at a high maturity level. Corporate culture does not significantly affect digital transformation. Digital strategy is crucial for the success of digital transformation in Tunisian companies, while leadership plays a role primarily at lower maturity levels. Corporate culture, however, does not significantly contribute to digital maturity. The study provides insights for Tunisian companies and policymakers to focus on developing robust digital strategies and leadership qualities to enhance digital transformation efforts. This research expands the theoretical base on digital transformation in the Tunisian context, identifying critical success factors and barriers, and confirming the significant role of digital strategy in successful digital transformations.


digital transformation; digital strategy; corporate culture; leadership; performance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd7858


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