Prediction analysis of the Herfindahl-Hirschman index based on recurrent neural networks
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
The technological development and growth of the telecommunications industry have had a great positive impact on the education, health, and economic sectors, among others. However, they have also increased rivalry between companies in the market to keep and acquire new customers. A lower level of market concentration is related to a higher level of competitiveness among companies in the sector that drives a country’s socioeconomic development. To guarantee and improve the level of competition, it is necessary to monitor the concentration level in the telecommunications market to plan and develop appropriate strategies by governments. With this in mind, the present work aims to analyze the concentration prediction in the telecommunications market through recurrent neural networks and the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. The results show a slight gradual increase in competition in terms of traffic and access, while a more stable concentration level is observed in revenues.
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