Analysis of the government’s strategy and capacity in reducing the risk of fire disasters in the Indonesian capital

Eka Rofiyanti, Asep Sumaryana, Slamet Usman Ismanto, Dedi Sukarno

Article ID: 7652
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 37 (Abstract) 14 (PDF)


Urban areas are increasingly vulnerable to fire disasters due to high population density, sprawling infrastructure, and often inadequate safety measures. This study aims to analyze the capacity of the DKI Jakarta government in terms of human resource capabilities, asset readiness, and budget planning capabilities. Furthermore, it measures the government’s success as evidenced by the public response to the achievement of firefighter performance. This study uses qualitative analysis with a content analysis approach. Data sources come from annual performance report documents and the content of the DKI Jakarta Fire Department website containing city disaster information. Performance report and website data are analyzed and used as research data to support qualitative analysis. This research shows that command decisions are essential in the organizational structure of the fire brigade. Both laboratory services are carried out optimally as a concrete effort to map fire potential. The laboratory tests the safety and suitability of firefighting equipment. Available budgetary support provides broad operational powers for the fire service. The government’s strength in minimizing or overcoming fire problems has received a positive response from the public. The operational achievements of firefighting continue to be consistent and increase. Ultimately, this research provides scientific insight into disaster mitigation and reducing the fire risk in cities.


disaster management; government; management; risk management

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