Transportation connectivity development strategy in the Wakatobi islands, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
This study aims to analyze connectivity or accessibility between regions in Wakatobi islands, both within and between islands, to understand the available transportation network. Based on an understanding of the dynamics of connectivity, it is expected to provide a solid foundation for the development of more efficient and sustainable transportation infrastructure in the future. A combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches is used to explore data more comprehensively and accurately. The two primary airports and several ports are still insufficient in enhancing connectivity for both the residents and tourists within the archipelago. Improving road, sea, and air transportation networks is a necessity and expectation to improve connectivity between regions. An analysis of accessibility potential provides an overview of transportation costs and expensive and long travel fares. There are several needs that need to be met in the form of the revitalization of local ports, the development of the concept of Air Buses between crossing ports, optimizing routes between airports, and the implementation of Bus/BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) on each island with feeder lines. Furthermore, the development of connectivity in Wakatobi must consider various alternative modes of transportation, increasing service frequencies, and developing supporting infrastructure. This conclusion is the basis for the preparation of a holistic and sustainable connectivity development plan in the Wakatobi archipelago.
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