Effect of technological culture and knowledge sharing on organizational performance: The mediating role of digital innovation and self-efficacy as moderation
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
In the era of IR4.0, environmental dynamism and satisfying customer needs through digital innovations have evolved across IT industries. This article attempts to examine the effect of technological culture (TC) and knowledge sharing (KS) on digital innovation (DI), organizational performance (OP), and the moderating effect of self-efficacy (SE) on the link between TC, KS, and DI. This study evaluates a novel conceptual framework utilizing survey data from 270 samples of IT firms’ employees in Bangladesh and analyzing it employing the PLS-SEM approach. The findings indicate that knowledge sharing and technological culture have a significant impact on DI and DI also significantly mediates the relationship between operational, financial, and employee performance. The findings suggest businesses recognize the chance of developing digital technologies and the digitalization trend in IT sectors by being devoted to embracing new technological cultures and upgrading their knowledge exchange to become innovation leaders and increase OP. This study describes how new digital technologies and knowledge sharing may be exploited to produce innovative digital creative digital solutions’ innovative products and services which ultimately increase their OP, where the managers of the IT organizations can apply this knowledge in respected fields.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.7594
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