Design of eco-cultural city tourism village development model through creative-based tourism towards a sustainable creative industry
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
The sustainability of the creative industry through creative-based tourism in the Laweyan Tourism Village requires the support of a sustainable and inclusive development model for local communities. This research aims to present the design of a tourist village development model that applies the eco-cultural city concept as a Surakarta City Perspective through creative-based tourism towards creative industries. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive exploratory method. Data collection techniques use interviews with key informants. Empirical observation using cultural mapping as identification of physical mapping of spatial layout, build ings and environment, as well as cultural landscapes for tangible and intangible cultural assets of the community in the local landscape in the Laweyan tourist village. Content analysis is applied as a research data analysis method. The research results provide an overview of the design of the creative-based tourism village development model towards a sustainable creative industry including aspects attraction, accessibility, amenities, and ancillary, and green tourism. Model design requires commitment and participation from the government and private sector in collaborating with sustainable tourist village development forums.
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