Students’ subjective perceptions of extremism in the Russian Arctic

Aleksandr Tamitskiy, Leoniliya Maltseva, Konstantin Zaikov, Nikita Kuprikov, Anna Tsvetkova, Mikhail Kuprikov

Article ID: 7591
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


Young people are a traditional risk group for radicalization and involvement in protest and extremist activities. The relevance of this topic is due to the growing threat of youth radicalization, the expansion of the activities of extremist organizations, and the need to organize high-quality preventive work in educational organizations at various levels. The article provides an overview of research on the topic under consideration and also presents the results of a series of surveys in general educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education (n = 11,052), universities (n = 3966) located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The results of the study on aspects of students’ ideas about extremism are presented in terms of assessing their own knowledge about extremism, the presence/absence of radically minded people around them, determining the degree of threat from the activities of extremist groups for themselves and their social environment, and identifying approaches to preventing the growth of extremism in society. Conclusions are drawn about the need to improve preventive work models in educational organizations towards a targeted (group) approach.


subjective perceptions; students; educational organizations; extremism; Arctic region; methods of statistical data analysis

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