Determinants of financial planning decisions for salaried individuals: Evidence from India

Samarth Pande, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina Sardar Khan, Ehsanul Haque, Niyati Chaudhary, Farheen Siddiqui, Mohammad Shariq

Article ID: 7502
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 9 (Abstract) 9 (PDF)


In the Indian context, financial planning for salaried individuals has gained increased importance due to economic fluctuations, rising living costs, and the need for robust retirement planning. Despite its importance, there is limited research on the specific factors that influence financial decision-making among salaried employees in India. Understanding these determinants is essential for developing effective strategies to enhance financial well-being among employees. This study explores the key factors influencing financial decision-making among employees, including financial goals, emergency savings, retirement planning, budgeting, financial confidence and literacy, financial stress, use of tax-saving instruments, income level, risk tolerance, and debt levels. A sample of 549 employees from diverse sectors in Uttar Pradesh participated in this research, highlighting the critical aspects of personal financial management that impact financial well-being. The study used a questionnaire-based survey to gather data on factors affecting financial decision-making. Descriptive statistics, correlation, and regression analyses were employed to identify significant predictors. The results reveal that financial literacy, access to resources, attitudes toward retirement planning, and cultural norms significantly influence financial decisions. Additionally, income level, job stability, and social support are crucial in shaping employees’ financial planning. The study recommends enhancing employees’ financial decision-making by offering financial education programs, budgeting tools, retirement planning assistance, debt management programs, tax planning workshops, financial counselling services, and employer match programs for retirement savings. These initiatives aim to boost financial literacy and confidence, enabling employees to make informed financial decisions and improve their financial well-being.


financial decision-making; employees; financial literacy; retirement planning; budgeting

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