The impact of K-beauty entrepreneurship on technical competency and business performance—Focusing on the CEO
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
VIEWS - 248 (Abstract)
This study investigates the relationships among entrepreneurship, technical competency, and business performance, focusing on CEOs in the beauty service industry in the Busan area. A total of 215 survey responses were collected, with 213 valid responses selected for final analysis after excluding 2 unsuitable responses. The key findings of the study are as follows: First, entrepreneurship was found to partially influence technical competency. Second, technical competency was found to influence business performance. Third, entrepreneurship was found to partially influence business performance. Fourth, technical competency was found to partially mediate the relationship between entrepreneurship and business performance. Based on these results, the study systematically analyzes and explains the causal relationships among the entrepreneurship of CEOs in the beauty service industry, their technical competency, and business performance. It also seeks to provide useful reference materials for strengthening the innovation and competitiveness of CEOs in the beauty service industry and establishing a theoretical foundation for future research in related fields.
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