Revolutionizing cleaner production: The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing sustainability across industries

Ikhlef Jebbor, Zoubida Benmamoun, Hanaa Hachmi

Article ID: 7455
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This paper aims to contribute with a literature review on the use of AI for cleaner production throughout industries in the consideration of AI’s advantage within the environment, economy, and society. The survey report based on the analysis of research papers from the recent literature from leading database sources such as Scopus, the Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Springer Link, and Google Scholar identifies the strategic strengths of AI in optimizing the resources, minimizing the carbon footprint and eradicating wastage with the help of machined learning, neural networks and predictive analytics. AI integration presents vast aspects of environmental gains, including such enhancements as a marked reduction concerning the energy and materials consumed along with enhanced ways of handling the resulting waste. On the economic aspect, AI enhances the processes that lead to better efficiency and lower costs in the market on the other hand, on the social aspect, the application of any AI influences how people are utilized as workers/clients in the community. The following are some of the limitations towards AI adoption as proposed by the review of related literature; The best things that come with AI are yet accompanied by some disadvantages; there are implementation costs, data privacy, as well as system integration that may be a major disadvantage. The review envisages that with the continuation of the AI development in the following years, the optic is going to be the accentuation on the enhancement of the process of feeding the data in real-time mode, IoT connections, and the implementation of the proper ethical approaches toward the AI launching for all segments of the society. The conclusions provide precise suggestions to the people working in the industry to adopt the AI advancements appropriately and at the same time, encourage the lawmakers to create favorable legal environments to enable the ethical uses of AI. This review therefore calls for more targeted partnerships between the academia, industry, and government to harness the full potential of AI for sustainable industrial practices worldwide.


artificial intelligence; cleaner production; sustainable manufacturing; AI in manufacturing; environmental impact of AI; AI challenges

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