Dynamics of living income for coffee farming households in agricultural area development policy: Socio-spatial integration
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
A decent income is an important part of overcoming economic disparities in agricultural development, especially in developing countries where most of the population are small farmers. As a developing country, Indonesia has also established a decent standard of living by setting a minimum wage as a reference for a decent income at the national and regional levels. However, this benchmark is not relevant to be applied uniformly at all levels of workers. This research determines the national coffee development area as the study center. We developed the Anker living wage methodology as a simple concept for determining living income for certain worker communities, especially for small farmers in rural areas who dominate the type of work in Indonesia. a socio-spatial approach is used to visualize the distribution of the dynamics of a decent life in various conditions of farming households. We found that 96.6% of coffee farming households in the national coffee development area had an inadequate living income, and only 3.4% were at an adequate level. We conclude that the current state of agricultural land management does not guarantee a decent income, even though efforts have been made to maximize agricultural crop productivity. The spatial description also shows that this condition is evenly distributed throughout residential areas. It is hoped that this approach can become an essential reference in implementing agricultural development programs that focus on welfare and equitable development as benchmarks for sustainable development goals in the future.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.7419
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