China’s container freight prices on the global behavior of inflation rate after COVID-19

Manuel Monge, Ana Lazcano, Luis A. Gil-Alana

Article ID: 7407
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 35 (Abstract) 22 (PDF)


The main objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between increases in freight costs and inflation in the markets due to the increases reflected in the prices of the products in some economies in destination ports such as the United States, Europe, Japan, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand and South Korea. We use fractionally integrated methods and Granger causality test to calculate the correlation between these indicators. The results indicate that, after a significant drop in inflation in 2020, probably due to the confinement caused by the pandemic, the increases observed in inflation and freight costs are expected to be transitory given their stationary behavior. We also find a close correlation between both indicators in Europe, the United States and South Africa.


container freight prices; inflation rate; causality; fractional integration; FCVAR model; wavelet analysis

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