Promoting job performance among teachers through work engagement in Hong Kong: The shared mediation model
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Work can be demanding, imposing challenges that can be detrimental to the job performance of employees. Efforts are therefore underway to develop practices and initiatives that may improve job performance and well-being. These include interventions based on mindfulness, inclusive leadership and work engagement. In the present study, authors have presented an association of inclusive leadership and mindfulness towards job performance through employee work engagement among secondary teachers in the context of Hong Kong. The sample size of 263 teachers working from three secondary schools in Sha Tin, Hong Kong has been incorporated in this study. A structured questionnaire designed on a 5-point Likert scale has been used based on purposive sampling by analysis of IBM SPSS 27 and Smart PLS version 4.0.9 by applying a structural equation modelling approach (SEM). The results indicated a strong positive influence on employee work engagement and job performance. Moreover, the bootstrap investigation showed that mindfulness and inclusive leadership were significantly associated with employees’ work engagement in the presence of mediators’ work engagement. This study adds to the very scarce literature on inclusive leadership and mindfulness. In addition, this research is the first study to test the mindfulness skill, inclusive leadership and job performance relationship. Furthermore, this is the first study to explore the concept of mindfulness and inclusive leadership in the Hong Kong context. Moreover, the findings of this research can be beneficial for future theory development on mindfulness skill and inclusive leadership in cross-cultural contexts.
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