Smart city as the supporting concept for the development of eco-city
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
This paper discusses the concept of creating a new reality using the approaches of smart cities to develop eco-cities, in which the necessary balance between nature and progress can be maintained. The authors propose that the concept of smart cities should be used as a tool for the creation of eco-cities, and argue that the positive synergies between the two will be strongest if the smart concept acts as a tool for the creation of eco. The core elements of a smart eco-city are identified as smart sustainable use of resources, a smart sustainable healthy community, and a smart sustainable economy. The results of the article were the foundation for the development concept for Vision Bratislava 2050—the vision and strategy for the development of the capital of the Slovak Republic. The authors also discuss the challenges of transforming cities into smart eco-formats, including the need for digital resilience in the face of potential cataclysms. They suggest that this is a promising area for further research into the concept of smart eco-cities.
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