Cultural profiles evaluation and their impact on the performance of production systems in Colombian companies using data analytics
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
Strategically managing production systems is crucial for creating value and enhancing the competitive capabilities of companies. However, research on organizational culture within these systems is scarce, particularly in the Colombian context. This research aims to evaluate cultural profiles and their impact on the performance of production systems in Colombian firms. The regional focus is vital as cultural and contextual factors can vary significantly between regions, influencing organizational behavior and performance outcomes. To achieve this, we make a study in a sample of Colombian companies, with participation from working students of the Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD). We used a data analytics approach to collected data. The results will be relevant to both the scientific community and business practitioners. This research seeks to determine whether the perception of the work environment within a company influences the perceived performance of the company. The findings will provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between organizational culture and production system performance, offering a foundation for business decision-making and enhancing competitiveness in Latin American context.
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