Technosociopreneurship as a productivity—Increasing strategy based on community potential

Amaliyah Amaliyah, Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah, Mazzlida Mat Deli, Rindah Febriana Suryawati, Utaberta Nangkula

Article ID: 7083
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


Madura Island, with more than half of its population, are women encountering socio-economic problems, which eventually create high poverty and unemployment rates. However, the Madurese are also well-known for their resiliency and entrepreneurial characteristics. The effort to solve the issues by empowering the community, women in particular, has been taken seriously primarily by entrepreneurs who were born and raised in the community. Therefore, this research aims to gain insight into the current Madurese entrepreneur’s business pattern and their social concerns in order to propose a strategy to increase productivity as an effort to empower women’s communities. The methodology is qualitative research, which collects data using semi-structured interviews with representatives of the Madurese entrepreneurs in four areas of Madura Island. Their responses are then transcripted and coded for content analysis based on the designed themes. The result shows that they recognise and practise the social entrepreneurship (SE) pattern, although they do not understand the term. Subsequently, the technological application for business operations in general is still limited to the usage of digital technology (DT) for marketing and transaction activities, which helps increase business performance or productivity. Hence, the initiation of technosociopreneurship as a strategy to further develop SE activities with the hope of increasing productivity in empowering women’s communities is proposed. Further research development is advised using quantitative methods for generalisable findings.


technosociopreneurship; women’s community; community empowerment; community potential; productivity

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