Investigating knowledge management contribution to dispute minimization of airport development projects in Indonesia

Ayomi Dita Rarasati, Ayu Erlinda

Article ID: 7020
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Most airport development projects entail disputes due to the features that are distinctive and complicated. Disputes can be minimized through creative problem-solving by implementing knowledge management practices into the system. This study investigates the direct influence of knowledge management (KM) on dispute minimization (DM) along with the key factors for developing a strategy that can enhance KM success. A mixed method was adopted including statistical data analysis based on the PLS-SEM and descriptive analysis with the SECI (Socialization, Externalization, Combination, Internalization) model approach for strategy development. These findings show that KM has a positive and significant direct influence on DM, while the factors that are considered to have a significant influence on KM success are human resources management (HR) and learning & training (LT) on airport development projects in state-owned airport companies. This research supports the importance of a well-developed HR system accompanied by regular LT to all members of the organization to optimize and encourage the spread of knowledge in the organization.


knowledge management; dispute; development; projects; airport

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