Personalization of artificial intelligence driven fitness apps for senior citizens

Komal Chopra, Rakesh Damodar, Somashekhar Iyanahally Channabasappa, Hema Patil

Article ID: 6917
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


The purpose of the study was to examine the role of personalization in motivating senior citizens to use AI driven fitness apps. Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation was applied to examine the motivation of senior citizens. The responses from participants were collected through structured interviews. The participants belonged to South Asian origin belonging to India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. The authors adopted a content analysis approach where the gathered interview responses were coded in the context of elements of Vroom’s theory. The findings of the study indicated that a highly personalized approach in the context of motivation, expectancy, instrumentality and valence will motivate senior citizens to use AI based fitness apps. The study contributes to the personalization of AI fitness apps for senior citizens.


personalization; senior citizen; health; fitness

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