Ways of developing the pension system of Ukraine through the study of some European countries’ experience

Olena Sokurenko, Svitlana Matchuk, Kateryna Chyzhmar, Pavlo Petrenko, Olha Marchenko

Article ID: 6897
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 111 (Abstract) 64 (PDF)


This article presents a comparative analysis and characteristics of the pension insurance systems of foreign countries, namely Germany, Sweden, Estonia, Poland, France with the aim of implementing their effective and noteworthy experience in Ukraine. The key indicators of the characteristics of the pension systems of these countries and Ukraine (amount of insurance contributions to the public pension fund; retirement age; insurance period; the ratio of the average pension to the average wage) have been studied and analyzed. Having examined these indicators, the authors came to the conclusion that the general trend in most countries of the world is that they guarantee only a minimum pension, which is caused by the increase in the share of pensioners in society. To solve the demographic problems affecting pension provision, the most countries increase the retirement age and provide financial incentives to stimulate citizens to work after the retirement age. To increase the pension, there are pension accumulation tools at the expense of the employer or at the expense of one’s own funds. Following the example of foreign countries, the directions for improving the pension insurance system of Ukraine were allocated.


pension system; pension contribution; retirement age; insurance period; replacement rate

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.6897


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