Adoption of blockchain technology in human resource management: Moderating role of institutional support
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
The key goal of the study is to identify aspects of the implementation of blockchain technologies in human resource management and argue for the moderating role of institutional support. The need to introduce new technologies at both the tactical and strategic levels is substantiated. It is highlighted that the key core of modern organizations is the human resource management system. The role of integration of blockchain technologies in human resource management, which ensures the effective training of qualified personnel at the right time and in the right place, is argued. It has been determined that the introduction of blockchain technologies in human resource management facilitates the organization of cooperation between countries in updating skills and knowledge based on compliance with competency standards and corporate governance rules. A survey of 300 employees of the pharmaceutical industry in Jordan was conducted, which served as the basis for a multivariate analysis to confirm reasonable hypotheses. The results obtained are valuable and can be applied in practice in terms of determining the impact of the implementation of blockchain technology in the human resource management system and on the UTAUT structure, which in turn provides institutional support.
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