Determinants of internal audit methodology during the COVID-19 era: Evidence from the Gulf Cooperation Council
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
VIEWS - 364 (Abstract)
Purpose: The paper aims to study the methodology and functional of Internal Audit (IA) during the transition to remote working methods necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis period. Design/methodology/approach: Data are collected over a sample of 352 internal audit departments in retail SMEs distributed in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. The six variables are measured using a reflective model. An exploratory factor analysis is applied to gauge the measurement model’s validity and reliability. Findings: The research findings revealed that internal auditing within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the Qatari retail sector is not sufficiently advanced. The focus of internal auditing primarily revolves around compliance audits rather than performance audits, thereby limiting their degree of agility and strategy which negatively affects the IA methodology. Conversely, for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) retail companies the research hypotheses were validated showing an IA functions evolution, an IA reassurance and IA agility that are conducted throughout a remote working and a strategic design that affect positively IA working methodology. Originality: The originality impregnates by the fact that reviews of traditional audit working methods were updated and shaped according to the deficiencies that couldn’t be identified during a pre COVID-19 period. A traditional audit plan may not work in this situation. The originality of the study consists of estimating IA methodological review through an agile approach that provides internal reassurance and risk attenuation.
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