Bridging the digital divide through digital infrastructure

Dyah Mutiarin, Misran Misran, Misran Misran, Novayanti Sopia Rukmana, Novayanti Sopia Rukmana, Trimurti Ningtyas, Trimurti Ningtyas

Article ID: 6817
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This paper aims to provide a comprehensive view of the E-Government Development Index analysis in Southeast Asia. Through a review of the results of an annual survey of 192 United Nations (UN) member states, the study identified 11 countries with the E-Government Development Index in Southeast Asia. The findings in this study revealed that the E-Government Development Index (EGDI) in Southeast Asian countries displays different levels of development. Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei are the countries in the region with the highest EGDI scores. Singapore leads the area with a high EGDI score. These countries have effectively implemented advanced e-government services, such as online public services, digital infrastructure, and e-participation, which have greatly improved the quality of life of their citizens and the efficiency of their government function. On the other hand, countries such as Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar lag in their e-government development as a result of factors such as limited Internet access, inadequate digital infrastructure, and low levels of digital literacy among the populations of these countries. In addition, some moderate progress has been made in the development of e-government in mid-level countries, such as Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. These countries continue to improve their digital infrastructure and enhance their e-service offerings to close the digital divide. Overall, EGDI in Southeast Asia reflects different levels of digital transformation in the region, with each country facing its distinct set of difficulties and opportunities when it comes to leveraging technology for better governance and public service delivery.


e-government development index; online service index; human capital index; telecommunication infrastructure index; Southeast Asia

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