The impact of e-human resource management on employee performance: The mediating role of employee engagement in Jordanian service and public administration commission
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
The research aims to explore the role of Electronic Human Resources Management on employee performance through employee engagement. The present research’s population included all Jordanian Service and Public Administration Commission employees. The data was collection through a questionnaire that was administered for the study Population. 262 questionnaires collected from employees working in Service and Public Administration Commission in Jordan valid for statistics. The analysis of the data was undertaken through the use of SEM (structural equation modelling). The results showed that E-HRM has a direct impact on employee performance and employee engagement. Consequently, the indication from the results was that a significant role in mediation within the effect that E-HRM had upon employee performance been played by employee engagement. The conclusion reached was that transformation of the public sector through implementation of technological HRM methods fosters employee engagement, with that being a key driver for the alignment of employee behaviors for the achievement of high levels of employee performance.
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