The effect of electronic integrated marketing communication on consumers purchasing behavior of mobile service: A case study from Jordan

Iyad A. Khanfar, Khaleel Al-Daoud, Asokan Vasudevan, Muhannad R. Khanfar, Suleiman Ibrahim Mohammad, Xibin Huang

Article ID: 6731
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 63 (Abstract) 78 (PDF)


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of E-integrated marketing communication on consumers’ purchasing behavior of mobile services. The population for the study involves all orange telecom mobile service customers in Jordan. Three hundred ninety-five questionnaires were distributed to orange telecom customers in Jordan, however, 375 only returned, which has been used for analysis. structural equation modeling using programs such as AMOS was used to investigate the impact of E-integrated marketing communication on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Data was collected through questionnaires was sent to study sample. The results of the study showed that E-integrated marketing communication had a positive impact on consumers’ purchasing behavior. Based on the findings, the study recommended that Orange Telecom should focus more on e-public relations to create a favorable image of the company among different groups of consumers, which can potentially enhance their purchasing behavior towards its mobile services. It is imperative for Orange Telecom to prioritize its e-integrated marketing communication strategy to effectively reach out to its target audience and influence their purchase decisions.


electronic integrated marketing communication; consumers purchasing behavior; mobile service; Jordan

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