Prediction model of factors causing traffic accidents on rural arterial roads: A binary logistic regression approach
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024
In rural areas, land use activities around primary arterial roads influence the road section’s traffic characteristics. Regulations dictate the design of primary arterial roads to accommodate high speeds. Hence, there is a mix of traffic between high-speed vehicles and vulnerable road users (pedestrians, bicycles, and motorcycles) around the land. As a result, researchers have identified several arterial roads in Indonesia as accident-prone areas. Therefore, to improve the road user’s safety on primary arterial roads, it is necessary to develop models of the influence of various factors on road traffic accidents. This research uses binary logistic regression analysis. The independent variables are carelessness, disorderliness, high speed, horizontal alignment, road width, clear zone, road shoulder width, signs, markings, and land use. Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the frequency of accidents, where the frequency of accidents consists of multi-accident vehicles (MAV) and single-accident vehicles (SAV). This study collects data for a traffic accident prediction model based on collision frequency in accident-prone areas. The results, road shoulder width, and road sign factor all have an impact on the frequency of traffic accidents. According to a realistic risk analysis, MAV and SAV have no risk difference. After validation, this model shows a confidence level of 92%. This demonstrates that the model generates estimations that accurately reflect reality and are applicable to a wider population. This research has the potential to assist engineers in improving road safety on primary arterial roads. In addition, the model can help the government measure the impact of implemented policies and engage the public in traffic accident prevention efforts.
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