Effectiveness of communication in local government organizations

Hendry Selanno, Mohamad Arsad Rahawarin

Article ID: 6685
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of organizational communication in aspects of organizational structure, technology, environment, communication patterns and personal characteristics. This research is survey research with a quantitative approach and descriptive statistical methods. The population in this study were all employees of The Maluku Province Communication and Information Service, totaling 78 people, who were also the research sample. The research results show that the effectiveness of administrative communication is in (1) aspects of organizational structure with an average rating of 3.11 (medium category), which shows that the dimensions of centralization, formalization and complexity have been implemented; (2) technological aspects with an average rating of 3.04 (medium category) which shows the level of employee readiness in facing increasingly rapid technological developments; (3) environmental aspects with an average rating of 3.33 (high category) which shows that the internal environment and external environment support the effectiveness of organizational communication; (4) aspects of communication patterns with an average rating of 3.24 (high category) which indicates that communication patterns have gone well; (5) aspects of personal characteristics with an average rating of 3.14 (medium category) which shows that speaking, listening and giving input skills are going well.


organizational communication; communication effectiveness; local government; technology utilization; communication patterns

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.6685


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