Risk assessment of public-private partnership water projects in Indonesia

Herawati Zetha Rahman

Article ID: 6657
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


 Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are vital for infrastructure development in developing countries, integrating private efficiency with public oversight. However, PPP models often face risks, particularly in Indonesia’s water sector, due to its unique geographical and regulatory challenges. This study aims to identify and evaluate risk factors specific to drinking water PPP projects in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, structured questionnaires were distributed to experts in the sector, and the data was analyzed using a fuzzy evaluation method. Risks were categorized into location, design and construction, financial, operational, revenue, and political. The study emphasizes that effective risk management, including identification, analysis, and mitigation, is essential for project success. It highlights the importance of stakeholder involvement and flexible risk management strategies. Comprehensive and proactive risk management is key to the success of drinking water infrastructure projects. The research suggests that an integrated and collaborative approach among stakeholders can enhance risk management effectiveness. These findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, project managers, investors, and other stakeholders, underscoring the necessity for adaptable regulatory frameworks and robust policy guidelines to improve the sustainability and efficacy of future water-related PPPs.


water; public private partnership; infrastructure; risks

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.6657


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