Policy analysis of green bonds in Indonesia: Strategies for achieving sustainable development

Septinus Saa

Article ID: 6535
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


The use of green bonds as a financial instrument to support sustainable development has become a major focus in Indonesia. However, the success of green bond implementation not only depends on market willingness but also on public policies that support and regulate its use. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the impact of public policies on the use of green bonds in Indonesia and how these policies can influence sustainable development. Public policy theory and sustainable development theory are the basis of analysis in this research. Public policy theory is used to understand how public policies are formed, implemented, and evaluated. Meanwhile, sustainable development theory is used to evaluate the impact of public policies on sustainable development. This research uses a qualitative approach with public policy analysis as the main method. Data are collected from various sources, including policy documents, government reports, and interviews with relevant stakeholders. The analysis results show that public policies have a significant impact on the use of green bonds in Indonesia. These policies cover various aspects, such as regulation, incentives, and government support. Additionally, these policies also influence how green bonds are used to support sustainable development in Indonesia. In order to promote sustainable development, it is important for the Indonesian government to continue developing and strengthening public policies that support the use of green bonds. This will help improve the success.


sustainable development; public policy; green bonds

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.6535


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