Exploring the competitiveness of tourism in Hungary: Recent findings and results
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
This research evaluates the regionalization of tourism in Hungary, revealing the breakdown of the national gross domestic product (GDP) of tourism. It also explores the density, spatial variations, and features of these indicators. A multimodal approach is used to evaluate the competitiveness of Hungarian counties, and the distribution of these tourism regions is analyzed using the tourism penetration index. Furthermore, regional GDP is calculated for the whole territory of Hungary. The study identifies significant regional disparities in tourism competitiveness, highlighting Budapest-Central Danube as the most competitive region and Lake Balaton as underperforming despite its potential. The research contributes by providing a detailed regional GDP analysis and emphasizing the need for targeted policy interventions to enhance tourism development across all regions.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.6527
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