A comparative study between the legislations of the poultry slaughtering process in the United State of America, European Union, and Saudi Arabia
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
The purpose of the current study is to raise the question about making a comparison between international legislation in the United States, European Union, and legislation of Saudi Arabia derived from Islamic law regarding the poultry slaughtering process and the relationship of that to achieving safe and healthy food for humans. In addition, the study utilized the Holy Qur’an and the texts of the Prophet’s hadith as primary sources. Additionally, various national and international laws, reports, and legislations were referenced as secondary sources for the review. Moreover, this study addresses a research gap by providing a comparative analysis that links Islamic and international legislation regarding poultry slaughter and examines its impact on food quality and safety. The study’s findings indicate that Islamic Sharia provisions are in harmony with the regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia related to poultry slaughtering process. This alignment ensures the primary goal of the slaughter process, which is to quickly get rid of the blood and achieve the well-being of the poultry. Consequently, this results in high quality meat with low microbial content that can be preserved for a longer period compared to regulations in other global markets such as the USA and the European Union.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.6513
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