Hybrid organization: How it works?
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024
This research was conducted to find out how a hybrid organization concept can be applied to various types and scopes of organizations. There are several things becoming the main focus in this hybrid organization research, namely to find out the extent to which the development of hybrid organizations in its practice when implemented and to find out what types of logic are used by various organizations in implementing hybrid organizations. The findings of the study showed that the concept of hybrid organizations has developed widely in the theory and practice of managing an organization. The concept of hybrid organizations has even been used by several sectors/fields of organizations, including small business organizations, construction projects, social enterprises, government companies, and even universities. This research concludes that the concept of a hybrid organization can be applied to various types & lines of organization because it is generally translated into the same concept in its application. However, some differences are characterized by the use of logic that each organization has that underlies the application of the hybrid organizational concept.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.6500
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