Influence of the development of entrepreneurial skills on the confidence to undertake in university students
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
This study aimed to explore the influence of entrepreneurial skills development on entrepreneurial confidence in university students. Using an empirical approach, a structured questionnaire was administered to 322 students at a university in Lima, Peru, to assess participants’ perceptions of self-awareness and self-assessment, problem solving, communication and presentation of ideas, as well as their entrepreneurial confidence. The data collected were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM), which allowed for the identification of significant relationships between the variables. The results revealed that self-awareness, problem solving and effective communication have a positive and determinant influence on the development of entrepreneurial skills, which in turn significantly strengthen students’ entrepreneurial confidence. These findings highlight the importance of incorporating the promotion of entrepreneurial skills in university education, as this can increase students’ readiness and willingness to successfully start and manage their own entrepreneurial projects.
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