ROSE (Recycling Organization through Sustainability Education): Examining the mediating effects of waste minimization behaviour in the relationship between environmental education and environmental performance at the Saudi Arabian Universities

Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih, Hassane Gharbi, Imed Zaiem, Nadir Aliane

Article ID: 6462
Vol 8, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 781 (Abstract)


The world has never been more developed, yet humanity is on the brink of irreversible environmental loss. Despite the urgency of the situation, there is a limited body of studies addressing environmental concerns in higher education institution, particularly in developing countries, i.e., Saudi Arabia. Sustainable development is the only viable solution, albeit it requires the courage to initiate and sustain efforts dedicated to preserving the environment for the well-being of future generation. The article delves into this issue and examines the impact of environmental education program (EEP) on environmental performance (EP) via waste minimization behaviour (WMB). The research involved meticulous data collection from a sample of 597 students, representing diverse genders and academic specialties at the esteemed public university—King Faisal University (KFU) in Saudi Arabia. The study used statistical software (including SPSS and AMOS, v 25) for rigorous analysis and revealed significant findings. Firstly, the study showed a significant and positive relationship between EEP and EP. Secondly, it revealed a significant and positive association between EEP and WMB. Thirdly, the study ascertained a significant and positive association between WMB and EP. Finally, the study found that the relationship between EEP and EP remains significant even after presenting WMB as a mediator, proposing that WMB has a partial mediation role between EEP and EP. The results highlighted the significance role of EEP in stimulating WMB and achieving EP in the Saudi universities, which contributes to national initiative of green Saudia.


environmental education; environmental performance; public universities; Saudi Arabia; KFU; waste minimization behaviour

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