A comprehensive analysis of soybean breeding in Russia: Insights into soybean varietal diversity
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
This study analyses the dynamic development of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) breeding in Russia, particularly examining its historical development, status, and future predictions. With the global demand for vegetable protein rising, understanding Russia’s potential contribution becomes crucial. This research provides valuable insights, offering precise data that may be unfamiliar to international researchers and the private sector. The authors trace the history of soybean selection in Russia, emphasizing its expansion from the Far East to other regions in Russia. The expansion is primarily attributed to the pioneering work of Soviet breeder V. A. Zolotnitsky and the development of the soybean variety in the Amur region in the 1930s. The study highlights the main areas of soybean variety originators, with approximately 40% of foreign varieties registered. The Krasnodar and Amur regions emerge as critical areas for breeding soybean varieties. In Russia, the highest yield potential of soybeans is in the Central Federal District. At the same time, the varieties registered in the Volga Federal District have higher oil content, and the Far Eastern Federal District has high protein content in the registered soybean varieties. The research outlines the state’s pivotal role in supporting soybean breeding and fostering a competitive market with foreign breeders. The study forecasts future soybean breeding development and the main factors that can influence the industry.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.6448
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