To explore the impact of corporate culture and leadership behaviour on work performance, mental health and job satisfaction of employees: An empirical study

Mohammed Arshad Khan, Shahid Husain, Syed Mohd Minhaj, Mohammad Athar Ali, Majed A. Helmi

Article ID: 6417
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

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Background: The term “corporate culture” is used to describe a company’s long-standing norms and practices, as well as the staff’s views and the anticipated value of their job. Executives may need to adjust their leadership styles to achieve the organization’s goal, which may have consequences for the satisfaction of the workforce. Therefore, it is essential to appreciate the relationship between business ethos, management style, work performance, mental health and employees’ job satisfaction. Methods: Researchers was conducting a cross-sectional survey of Saudi Arabian and Indian employees. Data was be collected using a structured questionnaire. To test the reliability of the data, they will be analysed by “Cronbach’s a and confirmatory factors”. SEM was be used to show the relationships of organizational cultures and leadership behaviour on work performance, mental health and job satisfaction through IBM-SPSS and SmartPLS software. Scope: A corporation with a strong culture and effective leadership shares principles and norms of behaviour with its workers, which should aid them in attaining their goals and objectives. Employees could gain work recognition, mental piece, work performance and job satisfaction when they can accomplish the obligations allotted to them by the company. Results: Corporate culture were significantly (positively) correlated with work performance, mental health and job satisfaction. In the same way, leadership behavior was significantly (positively) correlated with work performance, mental health and job satisfaction. Conclusions: The organisational culture holds significant importance, exerting a substantial influence on the overall well-being and productivity of the work environment. The acknowledgement and acceptance of the organisational ethos by workers can have a significant impact on their work behaviour and attitudes when it comes to communication and promotion. When there is a positive interaction between leadership and employees, the latter are more likely to actively contribute to team collaboration and interaction. Additionally, they are more likely to be motivated to achieve the organization’s assigned mission and objectives. As a result, work performance, mental health, and job satisfaction are enhanced.


corporate cultures; leadership behaviour; work performance; mental health and job satisfaction

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