Empowering women entrepreneurs: The interplay of internal drive, external support, and socio-cultural context
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
VIEWS - 410 (Abstract)
This research explores the relationship between the independent variables (need for achievement, risk-taking, family support, economic factors, and the dependent variable of women’s enterprises’ success) and examines the moderating influence of socio-cultural factors. A survey-based methodology was adopted. One hundred sixty-nine small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Palestinian West Bank were surveyed using structured questionnaires. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted by using the Smart-PLS program. The results indicate that women entrepreneurs’ success in SMEs is positively and significantly impacted by the need for achievement as an internal factor and economic factors and family support as external factors. Furthermore, sociocultural factors did not show any significant moderating influence. By gaining knowledge about the relationship between internal and external factors and the success of women-owned SMEs, this study adds to the body of literature already in existence. These factors can be considered in the success of these enterprises, particularly in an environment full of political and economic fluctuations. Furthermore, the research is said to be the first of its type in Palestine, particularly concerning SMEs run by women. It also supports entrepreneurs by providing them with resources that might aid in the growth and success of their businesses.
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