Examining electoral dynamics: The strategic role of Muhammadiyah and Al-Washliyah in the political landscape of North Sumatra

Heri Kusmanto, Saipul Bahri, Shahir Akram Hassan

Article ID: 6387
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024

VIEWS - 106 (Abstract) 54 (PDF)


This research aims to analyze the strategic role of the Islamic organizations Muhammadiyah and Al-Washliyah in the electoral dynamics of North Sumatra. The background for this study stems from the significant influence these organizations hold in the social, educational, and political spheres of the region, leveraging their extensive membership base and organizational structure. The urgency of this research arises from the need to understand how religious organizations shape political outcomes, which is crucial for developing more inclusive governance strategies. Employing a qualitative descriptive methodology, this study explores how these organizations mobilize support during elections and influence policies through their educational and social programs. Findings reveal that Muhammadiyah and Al-Washliyah effectively utilize mass mobilization and social movement theories to maintain their influence in the political landscape of North Sumatra, subtly navigating and shaping local politics through strategic engagement and advocacy.


Muhammadiyah; Al-Washliyah; politics; North Sumatra

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.6387


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