An empirical study on the relationships and impacts of leadership styles, organizational learning, and organizational competitiveness

Cenk Lacin Arikan, Kristina Krsteska, Suat Kasap, Ivan Gjorgjievski, Viktor Mitrevski

Article ID: 6372
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study dwells into the relationships and the impact of Leadership Styles (LS) and Organizational Learning (OL) practices on Organizational Competitiveness (OC) of the organizations in the Republic of North Macedonia. Correlation and regression are employed for data analysis. The data analysis is conducted by using Excel and SPSS. The findings shed light on getting a more comprehensive understanding of organizational competitiveness. Shared Vision (SV) and Systems Thinking (ST) are found to have the strongest positive correlation with OC. The efficiency and effectiveness are also found to be affected by the Learning Organization Disciplines. Efficiency, especially, is found to be impacted when practicing Directive Leadership Style. However, the efficiency and quick and effective adjustment of changes are not affected when using cooperation as a coaching leadership approach, nor when explanation, demonstration, and verification are used in a mixed leadership approach. The limitation of this research study comes mainly from geographical concentration. However, the managerial implications from provided insights about the relationships and impacts are indeed diversified and plentiful which should help managers and leaders in adjusting their strategies and activities for their respective organizations. Scholars can consider these findings to tap into the complex nature of the phenomena of achieving and sustaining organizational competitiveness.


leadership styles; organizational learning; organizational competitiveness; leadership; performance

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