Top-management attitudes toward workplace happiness: An exploratory case study at a semi-government organization in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Asma Alnuaimi, Mouna Abou Assali

Article ID: 6304
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024

VIEWS - 132 (Abstract) 40 (PDF)


This study aimed to gain insights into the attitudes and strategies of top management regarding workplace happiness within a semi-government organization in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Six senior managers at the organization were interviewed to explore their perspectives on employee happiness and the initiatives implemented to enhance it. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts revealed several key findings. Top managers demonstrated strong commitment and willingness to prioritize employee well-being through long-term research-driven improvements. A variety of strategies incorporating personal, organizational, and Human Resources Management (HRM) factors known to impact happiness were utilized. Religious considerations and empowerment initiatives respect personal values while fostering intrinsic motivation. Top leaders modeled strategic priorities through their conduct, emphasizing visible support. The organization balanced individual needs with organizational goals respectfully. The findings provide practical implications for optimizing retention and performance outcomes through dedicated strategic happiness efforts guided by empirical research. However, more extensive research across diverse populations could further advance understanding in this field.


workplace happiness; employee well-being; top management; UAE; qualitative research; organizational culture; leadership

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