Supplier performance assessment: Empirical evidence in Indonesian freight forwarding companies

Sonya Sidjabat, Prasadja Ricardianto, Muhammad Wisanggeni Ariohadi, Endri Endri, Tateki Yoga Tursilarini, Trilaksmi Udiati, Soetji Andari, Endro Winarno, Achmad Nururochman Hidayatulloh, Muhammad Ainur Rofiq

Article ID: 6296
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 99 (Abstract) 71 (PDF)


This research aimed to assess the results of two vendors used by the company in the shipping process of export goods. Two leading suppliers for one similar activity had caused more difficulties in the monitoring and controlling activities of DHL Global Forwarding Indonesia. This research used qualitative and quantitative methods, with the Analytic Hierarchy Process decision-making method using 36 internal staff members as the sample. Through a qualitative calculation method by distributing questionnaires to the existing suppliers, namely Monang Sianipar Kargo and Andima Transportindo, it was found that the weighted score for Monang Sianipar Kargo was 22.84 and for Andima Transportindo was 10.66. Subcriteria and indicators should be prioritized in the criteria of Price and service, significantly to improve the performance of problematic suppliers. This research recommended using the Analytic Hierarchy Process for assessment since it facilitated the research development by the opinion of the company’s experts. Such a finding implied that a policy from the management was needed in the assessment of suppliers. As an implication, it was necessary to assess all suppliers cooperating with DHL Global Forwarding Indonesia by using actual data from the current month.


export cargo delivery; performance assessment; freight forwarding company; priority suppliers

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