Developing a 3-statement operating and financial performance model for truck and rail infrastructure business: A case study of a model with automated retirement/reinvestment schedule

Andrey Artemenkov, Omonjon Ganiev, Michael Milgrim

Article ID: 6284
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This financial modelling case study describes the development of the 3-statement financial model for a large-scale transportation infrastructure business dealing with truck (and some rail) modalities. The financial modelling challenges in this area, especially for large-scale transport infrastructure operators, lie in automatically linking the operating activity volumes with the investment volumes. The aim of the paper is to address these challenges: The proposed model has an innovative retirement/reinvestment schedule that automates the estimation of the investment needs for the Business based on the designated age-cohort matrix analysis and controlling for the maximum service ceiling for trucks as well as the possibility of truck retirements due to the reduced scope of tracking operations in the future. The investment schedule thus automated has a few calibrating parameters that help match it to the current stock of trucks/rolling stock in the fleet, making it to be a flexible tool in financial modelling for diverse transport infrastructure enterprises employing truck, bus and/or rail fleets for the carriage of bulk cargo quantifiable by weight (or fare-paying passengers) on a network of set, but modifiable, routes.


3-statement financial models; age-cohort matrix; investment project appraisal; business valuation; investment schedule; asset retirement cohorts; financial modelling

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