Digital leadership moderating effect in improving the organisational performance of telecom companies through the organisational knowledge capabilities pillars

Samir Marwan Hammami

Article ID: 6220
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



The main goal of this study is to assess the moderating role of digital leadership capabilities (DLC) in improving the overall performance of telecom companies through their organisational knowledge capabilities. The author builds a conceptual model with six hypotheses and tests them with data collected through an electronic questionnaire. The data is analysed using WarpPLS 8.0 software as an application of the structural equation modelling technique. The sample size included 528 participants. The study revealed that individual knowledge capability (IKC) does not significantly affect organisational performance (PR). Also, the results reveal that managerial knowledge capability (MKC) and organisational collaborative capability (OCC) have a positive but weak impact on the performance of telecom companies (PR). However, it was clear that individual knowledge capability (IKC) and organisational collaborative capability (OCC) do not affect organisational performance (PR) through the moderator, digital leadership capabilities (DLC). On the other hand, it was also evident that managerial knowledge capabilities (MKC) significantly negatively affect the performance of telecom companies (PR) through the moderator role of digital leadership capabilities (DLC). The author recommends that telecom companies adopt knowledge-based practices to ensure enduring high performance. He also suggests creating a knowledge management department to foster a culture of creativity and cooperation across departments, which is essential to establishing a work environment that promotes continuous learning and development. Findings may help telecom sector CEOs boost the company’s performance value. The research highlights the importance of fostering appropriate knowledge pillars and building digital leaders to shift telecom companies to a new successful stage. These findings offer tangible benefits that can be directly applied in the telecom industry, making the research highly relevant and valuable.


organisational knowledge capabilities; digital leadership; telecommunications; performance

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