Examining the influence of Saudi mobile banking service quality on customer satisfaction in Saudi Arabian banking industry
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024
The study sheds light on how service quality aspects affect customer satisfaction in the Saudi banking sector’s particular socio-cultural setting. Thus, the study examines the role of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in the banking industry of Saudi Arabia. The study examined how reliability, assurance, empathy, tangibility, and responsiveness affect customer satisfaction in the Saudi Arabian banking market using 250 bank clients. 250 Saudi bank customers completed a standardised questionnaire. These were normal bank customers with proper bank accounts. IBM SPSS correlational and multiple regression analysis investigated variable connections. The study found a significant favourable influence of reliability on customer satisfaction. However, assurance was not significant. Empathy had a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Tangibility shown a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Responsiveness was not significant. The study emphasises on reliability, empathy, and physical service delivery to boost banking customer happiness. The study found 3 of 5 service quality factors to be significant predictors. Service empathy, tangibility, and reliability greatly impacted customer satisfaction. Managers in Saudi banking should prioritize reliability, empathy, and tangibility to boost customer satisfaction. To keep customers happy, managers should monitor these service quality dimensions and adjust strategies based on feedback. Technology can improve service quality by streamlining processes and personalizing experiences.
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