Entrepreneurial ecosystem—Industrial parks as catalysts for strengthening ventures’ capability: Evidence from Ethiopian small manufacturing enterprises

Tesfaye Hailu Gebrekidan, Abdella Kosa Chebo

Article ID: 6187
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


Small-scale businesses have long been recognized as an important part of economic development and integrating them with industrial parks is both recommended and necessary for long-term success. In line of this, the objective of this study was to investigate the role of IPs entrepreneurial ecosystem in boosting the capabilities of small businesses. Data were collected from 245 small manufacturing business owners via simple random sampling and analysed using multivariate regression analysis. Thus, the ability of small enterprises is positively impacted by the presence of a more robust and appropriate entrepreneurial ecosystem. Similarly, a firm’s resource capabilities are more impacted by the entrepreneurial ecosystem when there is a better link between academia and industry. Furthermore, entrepreneurial skills are found to play a mediating role between the entrepreneurial ecosystem and firms’ technological capabilities. Another finding revealed that managerial expertise significantly mediates entrepreneurial ecosystems and firms’ resource capabilities. This finding suggested that the policymakers, better to formulate policies that encourages small businesses to engage in the industrial parks which results in an inclusive firm’s performance.


academia-industry-linkage; entrepreneurial ecosystem; firm capability; industrial parks; small manufacturing enterprises

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.6187


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